
Showing posts from February, 2011

Guest Post by Erica (Queen City E) - TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF!

Today, I present Penny Pimpin's first guest post by my sister, Erica ( QueenCityE ).  She is pimping a concept that is so perfect for this blog because it includes some of our favorite books and tv shows.  Oh...and a whoooole lot of shirtlessness!  Enjoy!    Pimpin a concept: Take Your Shirt Off! I was talking to a male friend the other day, who was also a fan of the Legend of the Seeker series (based on the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind). We discussed how much we enjoyed the Seeker concept and the actors and actresses chosen for the series. From the male perspective, it seems there were no bad choices as far as the females featured on the show (though many of them were annoying, he found most of them easy on the eyes.) For me, one of the selling points was how often The Seeker (Craig Horner) was filmed without a shirt on. I mentioned this, and he seemed to be surprised I'd be interested in such a small guy. I had to school him on on...

My First Review - Venom by Jennifer Estep

I’m going to try my hand at reviews.   I still haven’t decided how I’d like to do my reviews, to keep them standardized.   I’m working on a couple of different ideas so I will try out different formats for my first few, to see which I like the best.   So, here goes.   My first review.   J ***Contains slight spoilers if you have not read the first two books in the series yet*** Title – Venom Author – Jennifer Estep Series – Elemental Assassins – Book Three Pages – 389 Synopsis - It’s hard to be a badass assas­sin when a giant is beat­ing the crap out of you. Luck­ily, I never let pride get in the way of my work. My cur­rent mis­sion is per­sonal: anni­hi­late Mab Mon­roe, the Fire ele­men­tal who mur­dered my fam­ily. Which means pro­tect­ing my iden­tity, even if I have to con­ceal my pow­er­ful Stone and Ice magic when I need it most. To the pub­lic, I’m Gin Blanco, owner of Ashland’s best bar­be­cue joint. To my friends, I’m the Spi­der, ret...


Thanks to all of you for commenting and sharing your faves in tv, movies and music!   I saw a lot of interesting things that I need to add to my To Be Read and To Be Viewed and To Be Listened To lists!   I appreciate your taking them time to pimp to me!   And now….for our winner!   The winner of the Border’s gift card or Book Depository purchase is: Commenter Number 3 - DREN! Congrats, Dren!   You’ll receive an e-mail from me shortly.  

Time for you to pimp to me!

Alright then…so that whole “I’m going to blog more” resolution hasn’t really come to fruition yet…but never fear; I WILL be a better blogger this year!   At some point.   Sigh.   Well, 2011 has been weird for me so far.   Not bad, just weird.   I just finished my first book of the year on the 23rd. That’s almost inconceivable to me but it’s true. I’ve been reading but I hadn’t been really grabbed by anything I was reading and kept abandoning books, in search of something that would grab me.   I’ve had more interest in my writing.    BUT…I apparently did not write enough notes for myself on my Work In Progress because I’m trying to edit it and there are parts where I have NO IDEA what the H I was talking about in my notes!   Sigh.   I haven’t done anything on the blog either…obviously.   I plan to do better, though.   I promise.   I have big things in store for the blog, including reviews and polls and random rants.   ...