Welcoming 2011 with a Sons of Anarchy DVD giveaway

The time has come for end of the year reflections, lists, projections, resolutions, etc. I’m going to keep mine short and sweet and throw in a giveaway, to boot! 2010 was, without a doubt, the worst year of my life. (For those that don’t know, my dad passed away on 1/3/10 which set the tone for my year.) I tried to write an end of the year post that ENDED on a happy note, at least, but every post I tried to write was just filled with sadness about this year so I scrapped that idea. Instead of doing a 2010 wrap up, I’m just going to look forward to 2011! I have high hopes for 2011, folks! It is going to be better than 2010; I believe it and I’m speaking it into existence! This past year, while being tinged with sadness , had some very good moments. I met WONDERFUL people both online and in real life that helped to keep me sane and smiling when I didn’t think it was possible. I got a job after having been unemployed for close to a ye...